
Dick Davis

Dissident technologist focused on improving the human experience through meaningful applications of software engineering. Blogs about programming, career, and life.

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Polymorphic Relationships in ActiveRecord


I was recently implementing a feature to support billing multi-user accounts when I realized my initial approach was missing something. It became clear as I progressed that I made a mistake in assuming the work I was doing on creating multi-user accounts would also apply for a feature planned for later in the year which would allow users to collaborate with other users in groups.

My initial direction was flawed because I conflated two separate domain entities when planning: groups and accounts. Although similar in that they would represent aggregators of User records, they were different in their purpose within the domain model. An Account represents a record containing billing information for one or more users which connects to the subscription billing vendor. In contrast, a Group represents an organizational unit tying together individual users working together in some capacity to perform tasks within the application.

mindmap root((User)) Account contains billing information integrates with subscription billing vendor source of truth for whether user has permissions based on subscription state Group allows users to collaborate within the application connects users regardless of subscription status

I mistakenly assumed that I could use the Account model to handle both areas of concern, but I could see how various gotcha’s could complicate things further down the line. It became clear that the Account and Group models needed to be separated, but how?

A User record can be tied to an Account record through a join table named account_memberships. The account_memberships table has two columns: user_id, a foreign key to the users table; and account_id, a foreign key to the accounts table. A User can have zero or more AccountMembership records, which are in turn tied to an Account record. Likewise, an Account can have zero or more AccountMembership records tied to it which are in turn tied to different User records. The relationships are modeled in the ERD below.

erDiagram users ||--o{ account_memberships : has accounts ||--o{ account_memberships : has users { integer id string name } accounts { integer id string name string stripe_customer_id } account_memberships { integer user_id integer account_id }

The implementation for a Group is similar: a User record and a Group record can be tied together through a join table that contains foreign keys to both tables. In this instance, the join table would need a group_id column that serves as a foreign key to the groups table, but the rest of the implementation would remain the same.

erDiagram users ||--o{ group_memberships : has groups ||--o{ group_memberships : has users { integer id string name } groups { integer id string name } group_memberships { integer user_id integer group_id }

While this implementation could work, we can do better.


Polymorphism is a concept in which objects of different classes can receive and handle the same message being sent from another class. This relationship between objects can be implemented in several ways, including inheritance, encapsulation, or certain design patterns. Rails includes support for polymorphic relationships between entities that we can use to help simplify our code.

We can start by creating a single entity that is capable of joining both the Account and Group models with the User model. Previously, we used the group_memberships and account_memberships tables as join tables, but this can be simplified to a single memberships table that handles both.

This table will need a column for user_id as a foreign key to the users table, and it will also need two new columns: organizable_id and organizable_type. The organizable_id is a foreign key to the table corresponding with the class name stored in the organizable_type column. “Organizable” is simply a generic term that we can use to represent either an Account or a Group–you could use whatever makes sense for your scenario.

erDiagram memberships { integer user_id integer organizable_id integer organizable_type }

The final ERD shows how the memberships table will serve as a single join table used by both the accounts and groups tables to relate to the users table.

erDiagram groups ||--o{ memberships : has users ||--o{ memberships : has accounts ||--o{ memberships : has users { integer id string name } memberships { integer user_id integer organizable_id string organizable_type } groups { integer id string name } accounts { integer id string name string stripe_customer_id }


To get started, we can add a migration to create the table with both columns. Using t.references allows us to easily set-up foreign keys and indices, and for organizable, we’ll need to specify polymorphic: true so Rails knows that it should create the *_id and *_type columns.

class CreateMemberships < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
  def change
    create_table :memberships do |t|
      t.references :user
      t.references :organizable, polymorphic: true


Next, we’ll add associations to the Membership model which show that a Membership belongs to a User as well as an “organizable” (Account or Group). Using the polymorphic: true option tells ActiveRecord that the association is polymorphic and it should use the *_id and *_type columns to derive the associated records.

class Membership < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :user
  belongs_to :organizable, polymorphic: true

We can add the has_many association for the memberships table to the Account model, but we’ll need to specify the as: :organizable option so ActiveRecord know the relationship is polymorphic, thus requiring lookup via *_id and *_type. The association to the users is a has_many :through relationship given that memberships is a join table between the two.

class Account < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :memberships, as: :organizable
  has_many :users, through: :memberships

The Group model has an identical implementation for its associations to Membership and User.

class Group < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :memberships, as: :organizable
  has_many :users, through: :memberships

The User model will also need to have the association with memberships added. However, the polymorphic nature of the organizable_id and organizable_type columns complicates things a bit when attempting to form the relationship between the User model and the Group and Account models. We’ll need to pass the source and source_type options to specify some additional details about the relationship so that Rails knows which model we are providing the polymorphic relationship for.

class User < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :memberships
  has_many :accounts, through: :memberships, source: :organizable, source_type: 'Account'
  has_many :groups, through: :memberships, source: :organizable, source_type: 'Group'


We’ve shown that polymorphism can allow us to simplify our implementation of two related entities, and Rails makes this easy for us. When adding a reference column, we can pass the polymorphic: true option to generate *_id and *_type columns which are used by ActiveRecord to look up associated records of different related models. These associations are defined in the corresponding models; we pass polymorphic: true as an option for the belongs_to association, and then add an association on the corresponding model with the as: option provided.


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